Do you feel as if you are carrying a backpack around the front of your body instead of on your back? We live in a linear world. We eat, drive, work on the computer or phone leaning forward. Then we sit on soft furniture or recliner chairs that keep this forward posture. All this forward living creates a forward head and weak neck and back muscles. Our neck and back muscles are so weak they cannot hold up our head or support us in a sitting or standing tall posture. This among other issues create the pain in the neck situation. First, look at yourself in the mirror or have someone take a side view picture of your posture. Your earlobe should be directly over the center of your shoulder. I did this recently with a friend who had neck pain. The picture was a shock. She is so forward she cannot get her head back. Next, you must stretch the front of your shoulders and your arm muscles. I suggest walking through the doorway exercise then prayer stretch exercise. After doing both exercises you will see a difference immediately.
- walk through doorway
- prayer stretch
Last, the door jam exercise is the finishing touch.

doorjam exercise
Once you are stretched out you really need to put that backpack on your back to remind yourself to stand tall.